4:13 Strong
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1276 Foster Ave, Nashville, TN 37210, USA
EIN Number: 47-1939832
contact information
Hours: No Set Business Hours - Call to Inquire
Website: http://www.413strong.org/
Email: steve@413strong.org
NTEE Code: J20: Employment Preparation & Procurement
4:13 Strong is a residential program that is dedicated to providing life skills training, job skills training and full time employment for young men between the ages of 18 and 24. Through a combination of collaboration with other organization and utilizing our own staff and materials, we offer life skills training in the following areas: physical fitness, diet and nutrition, Bible study, money management, parenting, substance abuse awareness, and GED preparation, The men in the program will learn general workplace skills as well as specific construction industry skills. The general workplace skills include: resume writing, interviewing skills, workplace behavior, and conflict resolution. The specific construction industry training includes earning certifications for NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research) Core Curriculum, OSHA 10 safety certification, forklift operator certification and flagging certification. Our mission: To break the cycle of poverty, crime and dependency by providing faith-based educational, vocational, and life skills training.
We empower men to transform their lives so that they can succeed personally and professionally.
4:13 Strong is a men's residential program providing life and job-skills training, housing, and employment opportunities to men predominantly in the Nashville and Davidson County region of Tennessee. Young men ages 18 to 30 years old who have previous experiences in incarceration, homelessness, or severe underemployment as well as those looking to earn job-skills right out of high school, are all welcome participants at 4:13 Strong. The program typically requires 6-8 months to complete. First, a participant must complete a 7 week training program including financial literacy, three construction certifications, Bible study, ACEs and resiliency training, and health and wellness. At the completion of training, participants are employed by a 4:13 Strong job partner in the Middle Tennessee construction industry, earning their first full-time employment with benefits and a living wage. Participants then live on campus, practicing financial skills until they achieve graduation requirements.
Services Offered
- Adult Education
- Housing Search Assistance
- Job Search Assistance
- Job Training
- Prison Alternatives
- Vocational & Technical
- Youth Development Programs
- Youth Mentoring Programs
- Youth Specific Services
Populations Served
- At-Risk Youth
- Children & Youth
- Christians
- Economically Disadvantaged People
- Formerly Incarcerated People
- Incarcerated People
- Individuals Under 21
- Men & Boys
Social Media
1276 Foster Ave, Nashville, TN 37210, USA
No Set Business Hours - Call to Inquire
Services Offered
- Adult Education
- Housing Search Assistance
- Job Search Assistance
- Job Training
- Prison Alternatives
- Vocational & Technical
- Youth Development Programs
- Youth Mentoring Programs
- Youth Specific Services
Populations Served
- At-Risk Youth
- Children & Youth
- Christians
- Economically Disadvantaged People
- Formerly Incarcerated People
- Incarcerated People
- Individuals Under 21
- Men & Boys