Veteran's PATH Inc.
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PO Box 38546 Colorado Springs, CO 80937
EIN Number: 47-4428490
contact information
Hours: By Appointment Only
Mon - Fri Closed
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Website: https://veteranspath.org
Email: info@veteranspath.org
NTEE Code: P99: Human Services N.E.C.
Veteran’s PATH provides high quality, veteran-specific mindfulness training and support to build inner strength and resilience.
Evidence-Based Mindfulness Training Accelerated Mind Performance (AMP™) Training teaches skills for developing mental resilience and agility. The online course meets 1 hour weekly for 6 weeks of instruction. Veterans learn the science of mind-body dynamics, effects of stress on the nervous system, and how to re-engage system regulation and attention after a disruption. PTSD is a disorder of non-recovery from trauma. The combination of mindfulness training and peer support helps veterans monitor internal stress and maintain self-regulation of the nervous system and emotions, skills critical to self-awareness and self-compassion. Research shows a mindfulness program supported by AMP instructional methods found a 50% reduction in arousal regulation, a 30% improvement in concentration, significant improvement in cortisol levels, and 100% self-reported improvement in cognitive, physiological, and relational function. Our instructors are veterans who teach strategies to their peers that lead to a healthier quality of life. BRAVE™ Retreats BRAVE stands for Breathwork Recalibration And Veteran Empowerment. The retreat invites women veterans to a 5-day intensive in-person gathering followed by a 12-week practice period online (in groups and individually with Veteran’s PATH facilitators) and ending with a 3-day reconvening in-person. BRAVE supports women veterans struggling with reintegration issues that can include post-traumatic stress, military sexual trauma, substance abuse, and family/caregiver matters. We integrate meditation and mindfulness practices into a disciplined, daily routine that is also full of fun and laughter so that, together, veterans can open up about their experiences and heal inner conflicts they never thought possible. The BRAVE retreats are life changing and offer an opportunity to connect with other female veterans in a safe and supportive environment. Lifetime friendships are formed! AMP Dojo Naval Special Warfare veterans are taking initiative in the fight against suicide by identifying, researching, and validating new mental health treatments. One of the most promising is psychedelic-assisted therapy (“PAT”), which continues to headline advances in mental health treatments with ongoing research in hundreds of universities and clinical trials. Veteran’s PATH does not directly fund PAT, but our AMP Dojo meditation program serves as a critical element in stabilizing and integrating the therapeutic impact of an innovative treatment like PAT. AMP Dojo helps veterans undergoing PAT to integrate psychedelic-induced insights, including deconstructing faulty beliefs, restructuring attitudes, challenging assumptions, and healing traumas stored in the body/mind. Learning meditation plays a very important role in successful PAT, and AMP Dojo helps sustain lasting positive change. Wilderness Retreats Veteran’s PATH wilderness retreats offer veterans multi-day journeys based on mindfulness practice and activities such as whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, or skiing/snowboarding. These life-changing and life-affirming opportunities require energy, courage and dedication. Time in nature can reduce anxiety and depression and decrease PTSD symptoms in veterans. This is a serious commitment, so only apply if you are ready to step forward towards the changes your heart is longing for. While programs can be challenging, they are filled with fun, laughter, connection, purpose, and renewal. Through coming together with other veterans, in a safe and beautiful natural setting, veterans are given the time, support, and new skills to focus on the personal changes needed to move forward from military service into the post-military life that they envision and create. Our retreats are open to active-duty service members and veterans of all branches of the military and all eras.
Services Offered
- Community Recreation
- Trauma Services
- Veteran Counseling
- Veteran Education & Training Programs
- Veteran Trauma Support Services
Populations Served
- Veterans
Social Media
Services Offered
- Community Recreation
- Trauma Services
- Veteran Counseling
- Veteran Education & Training Programs
- Veteran Trauma Support Services
Populations Served
- Veterans